Using Siebel Correspondence

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The Correspondence screen makes it easy for you to correspond with your contacts. You can automatically generate correspondence based on templates created by your administrator.

Note: You can edit correspondence only if you have Microsoft Word or Lotus WordPro installed on your computer. However, you do not need Microsoft Word or Lotus WordPro to create correspondence.


Creating New Correspondence

Enclosing Literature with Correspondence

Adding Recipients to Correspondence

Previewing Correspondence

Fulfilling Correspondence

Monitoring Fulfillment Requests

See Also

Setting Correspondence Options

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Creating New Correspondence

Correspondence provides a selection of letter and label templates you can use to create correspondence and mailing labels. You can create personal templates that only you can access or you can use templates created by your administrator.

To create letters and labels
  1. Navigate to the Correspondence screen.
  2. On the link bar, click My Correspondence Requests.
    The Correspondence list appears.
  3. In the Correspondence list, click New.
    - or -
    Click the menu button, then click New Record.
    An empty row appears in the Correspondence list.
  4. In the Template field, click the select button and select a template.
  5. Complete the other fields in the row.
  6. Click the menu button, then click Save Record.

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Enclosing Literature with Correspondence

The Correspondence screen lets you select literature such as sales brochures, white papers, and data sheets from the Siebel Encyclopedia and associate them with your correspondence. This provides you with an efficient way to find current literature and helps you keep track of any documents you enclose with a correspondence. It also provides an efficient way for you to communicate with your organization's fulfillment center.

To enclose literature with correspondence
  1. Navigate to the Correspondence screen.
  2. On the link bar, click My Correspondence Requests.
    The Correspondence list appears.
  3. In the Correspondence list, select the correspondence item in which you want to enclose literature.
  4. In the Enclosures list, click the menu button, then click New Record.
    The Add Literature dialog box appears.
  5. Select the literature item or items you want to enclose and click Add.
    The literature items you selected are shown in the Enclosures list.
  6. In the Enclosures list, if you want to view the literature file, click the Name hyperlink.
    The file opens in the application associated with the file type.
    Note: If you are connected to a local database, the literature files must be available locally for you to view them. If a file is not available locally, go to the Enclosures list and select the Request check box for the literature item. The next time you synchronize, the file will be downloaded from the server.

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Adding Recipients to Correspondence

If you are sending a correspondence to a contact that does not exist in the database, you can create the contact from the Add Recipients dialog box. In this case, the contact is added as a recipient for the correspondence item and also as a record in the Contacts list.

To add recipients to a correspondence item
  1. Navigate to the Correspondence screen.
  2. On the link bar, click My Correspondence Requests.
    The Correspondence list appears.
  3. In the Correspondence list, select the correspondence item for which you want to select recipients.
  4. In the Recipients list, click the menu button, then click New Record.
    The Add Recipients dialog box appears.
  5. Select a contact or contacts and click Add.
    Tip: To send the correspondence to a new contact, click the New button to add the contact. You can then select the new contact as a recipient. See Using Selection Dialog Boxes for more information about creating new records in a selection dialog box.
    The contacts you selected appear in the Recipients list.

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Previewing Correspondence

You should preview a letter before sending it to a contact. If you do not use a fulfillment center, you can print a letter or labels from the preview screen. If your organization uses a fulfillment center and it is integrated with your Siebel application, you do not have to print the letter.

To preview letters or labels
  1. Navigate to the Correspondence screen.
  2. On the link bar, click My Correspondence Requests.
    The Correspondence list appears.
  3. In the Correspondence list, select the correspondence item you want to preview.
  4. Click the menu button, then click Generate or Generate Label.
  5. If you have a word processor installed locally, click the menu button, then make your selection:
  6. If you do not have a word processor installed locally, click the menu button, then make your selection:

    The letter or labels appear with the recipient's name and address information merged into the template.

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Fulfilling Correspondence

If you do not use a fulfillment center, you can print and mail the letter yourself. If your organization uses a fulfillment center and it is integrated with your Siebel application, you can use the Correspondence screen to submit fulfillment requests.

To fulfill correspondence by printing the correspondence item
  1. Preview the correspondence.
    See Previewing Correspondence for instructions.
  2. Print the correspondence from the word processor or Web browser.
  3. In the Correspondence list, select the item you just printed, click the menu button, then click Done.
    The status of the fulfillment request is changed to Done and an activity is added to the contact record to show that you have sent this correspondence item to a contact.
To send correspondence to a fulfillment center
  1. Navigate to the Correspondence screen.
  2. On the link bar, click My Correspondence Requests.
    The Correspondence list appears.
  3. In the Correspondence list, select the correspondence that you want to send to your fulfillment organization.
  4. From the Fulfillment Center drop-down list, select the appropriate fulfillment center.
  5. Click the menu button, then click Save Record.
  6. Click the menu button, then click Submit.

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Monitoring Fulfillment Requests

When you submit a correspondence item to a fulfillment center, its status is set to Submitted. When the fulfillment center fulfills a request, it updates the status of the request to Done. This automatically creates an activity for each recipient indicating that correspondence has been sent to that recipient.

To monitor the status of a fulfillment request
  1. Navigate to the Correspondence screen.
  2. On the link bar, click My Correspondence Requests.
    The Correspondence list appears.
  3. In the Correspondence list, verify the Status field for your correspondence item.
    If the status is Done, the request was fulfilled.

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