Setting User Preferences

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The User Preferences screen allows you to set preferences related to the appearance and functionality of each component of your Siebel application.

Note: Some settings may not take effect until you log out and then log back in to your Siebel application.


Accessing the User Preferences Screen

Changing Your User Profile

Setting Application Behavior Options

Setting Calendar Options

Setting Left-Hand Navigation

Setting the Color for User Interface Elements

Setting Correspondence Options

Selecting the Default Query for a Screen

Viewing Saved Queries

Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs

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Accessing the User Preferences Screen

You use the User Preferences screen to change options that affect different areas of your Siebel application.

To access the User Preferences screen

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Changing Your User Profile

You may not be able to change certain fields in your user profile. Contact your Siebel administrator for information.

To change your user profile
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Profile.
    The User Profile form appears.
  3. Use the fields in the form to make your changes.
    Note: To define which time zone your Siebel application uses to display and interpret date/time fields during your session do the following:
    1. Under Contact Information, in the Time Zone field, click the select button.
      The Pick Time Zone dialog box appears.
    2. Select the time zone and click OK.
  4. Click Save.

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Setting Application Behavior Options

The behavior options let you define default settings for your Siebel application, such as the startup view.

To set application behavior options
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Behavior.
    The Behavior form appears.
  3. Use the following field descriptions to define some of the behavior options.
    Field Description
    Startup View Defines a default startup view for your Siebel application.
    Click the select button to select a screen and view.
    Note: The list in the selection dialog box is formatted as follows: Screen name - View name.
    Confirm Before Deleting Record Defines whether you must confirm record deletions.
    Select this check box to see a confirmation dialog box each time you delete a record.
    Clear this check box if you do not want to confirm deletions.
    Prompt to Pause When a User Interrupts a Task Defines whether you receive a prompt to pause a message when you interrupt a task.

    Select this check box to see a prompt dialog box each time you interrupt a task.
    Clear this check box if you do not want a prompt to appear when you interrupt a task.

  4. Click Save.

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Setting Calendar Options

To set calendar options
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Calendar.
    The Calendar form appears.
  3. Use the following field descriptions to set some of the calendar options.
    Field Description
    Working Hours Start At
    Working Hours End At
    Define the range of hours shown in the Daily views of the Calendar screen.
    Appointment Duration Defines the default duration (in minutes) for each new calendar activity.
    Alarm Lead Time Defines how many minutes before the start time of an upcoming activity a notification for the activity occurs.
    Default Alarm Defines whether to automatically set an alarm for each new activity.
    Select this check box if you want to set an alarm automatically.
    Clear this check box if you do not want to set an alarm automatically.
    Snooze Period Defines the default snooze time, in minutes, for an alarm.
    Default Calendar Defines which calendar view appears when you first access the Calendar screen: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
    Default User Lets you select the user whose calendar you want to see when you access the Calendar screen. This is helpful if you have to maintain someone else's calendar.
    Weekly Calendar View Defines the default weekly view for your calendar: 5 Day Weekly or 7 Day Weekly.
  4. Click Save.

See Also

Using the Calendar

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Setting Left-Hand Navigation

The screen tabs and associated link bars normally appear near the top of your screen. If you are left-handed, then you can set the names for the screen tabs and associated link bars to appear on the left side of the screen so that you can more easily access this information. In this scenario, these names appear in tree format and not in tab format and link bar format.

To set left-hand navigation
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Behavior.
    The Behavior form appears.
  3. Select the Tree value from the drop-down list for the Navigation Control field.
    If you want to display screen tabs and associated link bars near the top of the screen, then clear the value in this field.

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Setting the Color for User Interface Elements

You can designate the color that appears for the following elements in the user interface:

To set the color for user interface elements
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Behavior.
    The Behavior form appears.
  3. Select color value from the drop-down list for the Theme field.
    Note: You cannot select a value in the Theme field if the Navigation Control field has no value.
    If you select a Tab value in the Navigation Control field, and select the Tangerine Tab value in the Theme field, then the link bar appears as Tabs. If you select a Tab value in the Navigation Control field, and select the Gray Tab value in the Theme field, then the link bar does not appear as Tabs.

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Setting Correspondence Options

To set correspondence options
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Correspondence.
    The Correspondence form appears.
  3. To select a default template to use when you create new correspondence, in the Default Template field, click the select button, select a default template and click OK.
  4. To select a default fulfillment center and ship method, select a value from the Fulfillment Center and Ship Method drop-down lists.
  5. To select a default fulfillment time, which determines how quickly a customer will receive the correspondence, select a value from the Time Frame drop-down list.
  6. Click Save.

See Also

Using Siebel Correspondence

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Selecting the Default Query for a Screen

You can define a default query for each screen so that when you first access the screen that default query is applied to the data shown in the screen.

Note: Before you can select a non-predefined query as the default query for a screen, you must create and save a query for that screen. See Creating, Running, and Saving Queries for instructions.

To select a default query for a screen
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Default Queries.
    The Screen and Screen View lists appear.
  3. In the Screen list, select the screen for which you want to select a default query.
    The Screen View list is updated to show the views for the screen you selected.
  4. For each view, do the following:
    1. In the Screen View list, select the view for which you want to select a default query.
    2. In the Default Query field, click the select button, select a query and click OK.
  5. In the Screen View list, click the menu button, and then click Save Record.

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Viewing Saved Queries

Using the Saved Queries tab in the User Preferences screen, you can view, rename, and delete your saved queries.

To view a saved query
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Saved Queries.
    The Saved Queries list appears.

    From the Saved Queries list, you can query the existing saved queries.

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Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs

You can show, hide, and reorder screen and view tabs in your Siebel application to suit your preferences.

Note: If you cannot access a screen or a view through a screen or view tab, you cannot use the instructions in this topic to add the screen tab or the view tab. Contact your Siebel administrator for assistance.

To customize screen and view tab layout
  1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
    The User Preferences screen appears.
  2. On the link bar, click Tab Layout.
    Two lists appear: the Screen Tab Layout list, which shows the screen tabs available to you, and the View Tab Layout list.
  3. Use the information below to show screen and view tabs.
    To show a ... Do this ...
    Screen tab In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen and clear the Hide check box.
    View tab
    1. In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen tab associated with the view tab you want to show.
      The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen tab.
    2. In the View Tab Layout list, select the row for the view tab you want to show and clear the Hide check box.
  4. Use the information below to hide screen and view tabs.
    To hide a ... Do this ...
    Screen tab In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen and select the Hide check box.
    Note: If you hide a screen tab, the view tabs associated with that screen are also hidden.
    View tab
    1. In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen tab associated with the view tab you want to hide.
      The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen tab.
    2. In the View Tab Layout list, select the row for the view tab you want to hide and select the Hide check box.
  5. Use the information below to reorder screen and view tabs.
    To reorder a ... Do this ...
    Screen tab In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen and type a whole number in the Order field to define the order of the screen tab.
    View tab
    1. In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen tab for which you want to reorder view tabs.
      The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen tab.
    2. In the View Tab Layout list, type a whole number in the Order field for each view tab to define the order of that view tab.
  6. To set a default view for a screen, do the following:
    1. In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen tab for which you want to define a default view.
      The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen tab.
    2. In the View Tab Layout list, select the Default View check box for the view you want to define as the default view.
  7. Click the menu button, and then click Save Record.

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